A very usual question that many patients or their relatives may ask is that whether it is better to have an open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty. Some specialists talk about open rhinoplasty as being a superior approach because there is better exposure and they can do more comprehensive work. Other surgeons state that closed rhinoplasty is better as there is no cicatrix and the healing is comparatively faster.
The truth is here. Neither is “better” one. Although there are a thousand questions, posts, blogs,comments, entries, and articles on this topic, it actually is not a true issue.
The genuine answer to this question is that for some procedures a closed approach might be better and for the other ones an open procedure might be more suitable. The scar associated with an open rhinoplasty, when performed by an expert surgeon, is absolutely negligible.
The scar is nearly never, ever an issue or concern. What an issue genuinely is the outcome. Your surgeon can use either of the procedure to give you THE BEST RESULT. If that requires doing the open surgery, then it should be done open! If that requires than it can be done just closed as well, then it should be done closed!
The morale behind is that focus on what you want to achieve, and whether your surgeon can produce the result for you. We don’t need to focus on whether it is open or closed—there are much, many more important factors to consider.